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Historic Vintage Gathering March


The historic vehicle gathering held in the parklands was a very interesting day. A small group of V-8ers met at Vilis for breakfast and then drove around to the venue and parked with a multitude of makes and models too numerous to mention. As the Bay to City Fun Run was in progress that morning many thought Anzac Highway would be a problem but everything was OK. The Car of the Day and presented with a plaque was a 1925 Daimler owned by Gavin Rolls. Gavin is known to many V-8 club members and is basically a Street Rod man so to have an award for a beautifully restored original in a great accolade.

We have just returned home from attending the Gawler Club inaugural Veteran and Vintage Barossa Valley Run. What a great day, a grand procession of pre 1931 cars of all makes and models, shapes and sizes, from Model T Ford and Austin 7 to Minerva and Rolls Royce. It finished with all vehicles parked on the Greenock Oval. We then had lunch, but rather late, at the local hotel. Again it would have been great if more members could have attended but thank you to the small but enthusiastic members who did.

A very special thank you to Goran for supplying some breakfast while we watched the cars go by.


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