Sunday 18th March 2018
Although we did not attend breakfast due to being seconded to marshalling and public address duties a small group gathered at Vili’s for the morning meal.
The Historic Motor Vehicle Gathering looked a little threatened at first with rain looming and a general lack of attendees but around 10 am, the official start time, the heavens cleared and vehicles of all breeds rolled in.
First and foremost at this event are the Veteran and Vintage vehicles displaying many name plates not seen for a good many years and engineering standards not seen for a good many years also.
Vehicles from the early thirties to the eighties were set up behind the early ones and looked great.
Five Ford V-8s from our club attended – they were Alan & Colleen with the truck, Peter and Dawn with the Pilot, Steve and Deb with the 1937 Coupe, Ian and Carol with the 1936 Phaeton and Shirley and myself in the 1933 Roadster.
Unfortunately due to the circumstances of the day we couldn’t park the roadster with the other V-8s however that was of no consequence.
A raffle was held with some lovely prizes donated by Penrite Oils which helps pay for the day.
This is a relaxing day with much to see if you have the old car affliction.
The oldest car on show was 1906. This is one show that costs absolutely nothing, no entry fee and no charge for the general public who can park free within the grounds.
Let’s see a few more V-8ers along next year.