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2017 Annual Run - Celebrating 40 years of the SA RG#94


Although the club was formed in July 1977 it was decided to celebrate the arrival of the Charter which was 9th October 1977 by an Annual Run to Clare.

Wayne and Rene offered to organise this event with the help of Chris and Gail and Grant and Rosie.

Most of us travelled to Clare at various times on Friday Oct 6th ready to meet for a BYO BBQ. Maureen & Neville and Simon and Jacqui and the boys had travelled to Clare a few days earlier so they were already set up for the weekend. It was great to see new members Marlene & Wayne with their interesting 1933 4 cylinder Roadster.

Wayne and Rene got the troops together for a special meeting to present Marcos, Casey, Ashlee and Jenson a bag of goodies each and an update of things to come.

BBQ dinner was started and with salads to share all enjoyed a lovely evening before settling in for the night.

Saturday saw many go to Graham Goode’s Restoration Shop for a look at his work on the vehicles there and a video of a bus that had been restored only to be damaged by a B double and was back in the workshop. Most interesting was the different vehicles in various stages of restoration and the work that was being done. Also the backyard of relics was of much interest to most.

Most of the ladies went into town and looked at the shops and the market before everyone met up together for lunch. The afternoon was free. We went off to a winery with Wayne & Rene and Chris & Gail who had been there before and what a lovely place with a lovely scenic view.

Dinner was everyone doing their own thing. Many of us opted for another BBQ as we had salads left over from the night before.

The Caravan Park had a wine tasting evening together with food, wines, coffee and a band which entertained everyone in the park until around 9.30 pm.

Sunday. The run did not start until 11 am so it was a lazy morning before setting off to Crystal Brook for lunch, a terrific drive with a never ending line of club cars. Rene had organised a running board lunch in a park by a railway line.

The reason for this was that Wayne and Rene knew there would be two freight trains coming along when we would be there. This was mainly for the children but was enjoyed by Ian, Graham, Simon and others. Around 2.30 pm we set off back to the caravan park with some going back one way and others going back another. We opted for a run to Koolunga where we stopped to cool the cars and cool ourselves being a hot afternoon.

A great little town with an ancient pub but as with so many SA country towns there doesn’t appear to be much on the horizon for the future.

The evening was the special dinner to celebrate the 40 years and Wayne and Rene and Chris and Gail had spent the morning decorating the old Blyth Hospital with balloons, etc. The theme for the evening was Country and Western. They got the waitresses to pick the one they thought most dressed and they picked Carol as they had said “She was picked because they would never be seen in public dressed like she was.”

Dinner was a lamb roast with vegetables and salad followed by a celebration cake with blue icing which had been cut by our two longest serving members Trevor and Eric.

Grant had been doing a fundraiser over the weekend with the winners being Ashlee, Judy and Val.

Everyone was presented with a celebration bottle of Port or a bag of cookies which were given out by the children.

Graham presented Wayne and Rene with a thank you gift for organising everything for the weekend.

Soon it was all over and it was back to the caravan park for the night. Some of us stayed up until late just enjoying the company.

Monday saw us packing up to leave. Some travelled straight for home while a lot of us went home via Balaklava to Gordon and Gill’s home for a look in sheds and morning tea.

Gordon’s sheds are of different nature to the usual and most interesting with a never ending collection of badges and plaques.

Then with farewells done we all went our own way home.

Many thanks must go to Wayne and Rene and their band of helpers for a great and relaxing weekend.

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